

Wed 28 July 2021 – Sat 7 August 2021

Into Focus / RGB East in collaboration

Four Corners’ Into Focus projects and RGB East are delighted to present a collaborative exhibition of experimental photo works and animations at Four Corners Gallery.

This intergenerational project enabled twelve younger and older Tower Hamlets residents to produce traditional black & white and colour photographs, alongside inverted digital colour prints.

The process was supported by local artist Sarah Ainslie, plus artist Jo Guile and scientist Dr Emily Patterson who set up RGB East to engage East London communities in the exploration of colour concepts.

Open 11am - 6 pm, Tuesday - Saturday


Catherine Tuitt
Cheneil Campbell
Fatima Ali
Henry Kenyon
John Fowell
Kayra Jariby
Lena Nawrocka
Marie Sleigh
Sebastian Garraway
Sophie Baker
Tiannah Samuel
Veronika Casarova

Red Green Blue East

‘Red Green Blue East’ is a project featuring East London based artists. Working through a scientifically engaged photographic practice they explore their relationship with Tower Hamlets through colour. Using the RGB East website below, Jo Guile (Slade School of Art, UCL) and Dr Emily Patterson (UCL Institute of Ophthalmology) have sought to engage East London communities in an exploration of the concept of colour. In a series of participatory curatorial workshops, the artists worked collectively as co-curators, coming together to craft an event that explores the scientific basis of colour and shares their subjective interpretations of colour in the local landscape.


Into Focus is generously supported by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Local Community Fund, and Red Green Blue East is generously supported by a Beacon Bursary Grant from the Engagement Team, UCL Culture and UCL East.