2 NOVEMBER 2018 –
16 FEBRUARY 2019

East End Suffragettes
The Photographs of Norah Smyth.

© Norah Smyth 1914
This first-ever exhibition brought Norah Smyth’s original photographs back to East London 100 years after they were taken.
Norah Smyth’s photographs provide a remarkable document of Sylvia Pankhurst and the East London Federation of the Suffragettes during the First World War, an extraordinary moment in women’s social history.
16 January 2019
Sylvia, the other Pankhurst
Helen Pankhurst discussed her grandmother Sylvia’s role in East London during WW1, fight against fascism and her support for Ethiopian Independence.
24 January 2019
The photography of Norah Smyth and suffragette portraiture
A roundtable discussion with Helen Trompeteler, George Mind and Carla Mitchell.
2 February 2019
East London Suffragettes local history walk
Participants traced the steps of Sylvia Pankhurst, Norah Smyth and the East End suffragettes.
7 February 2019
The Suffrage photographs of Christina Broom, 1908-1913
A talk by Beverley Cook, Curator, Social & Working History, Museum of London.
14 February 2019
Final late night opening
We swapped red roses for women’s rights at this exhibition finale event on Valentine’s day.
The photographs featured in this exhibition were generously loaned by the International Institute of Social History.
The exhibition was part of The Women’s Hall project, a collaborative programme of events celebrating the history of the East London Federation of Suffragettes in 2018.
Partners were Tower Hamlets Local History Library & Archives, East End Women’s Museum and Alternative Arts with Women’s History Month in East London and Photomonth. This project was supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund.